I changed my mind about writing every games review, its hard and most of the time, I dont feel like it. Instead, When I begin playing or finish playing a game, I will share things about it, like mods, cheats, walkthroughs and stuff. Most of the time they wont be mine, but ill be sure to give the claimers name. Claimers: You can always want me to delete your stuff from here, you just have to message me about it.
Thanks u.u
About [PC] Tomb Raider Anniversary:
I've been playing Tomb Raider games for a looooong time now. I remember that, when I was 3, my father was playing it right after he comes from work and eventually my mum went nuts. He played them until the playing style changed. When mouse become involved in gameplay, he stopped. It wasnt on purpose, but at the game Legend, I took the heritage.
Anniversary is my favourite game of all, It's not a short one like Legend and it has its own "Matrix" mode (my dad calls it like that), makes it even more fun to play. I find region bosses pretty creative, especially the centaurs and the boss before Natla (left). Also, since this games is a remake of the first game (as you can guess from title) this actually brings back memories, though the huge gap between its graphics.
Where can I find them?
Links Links Links:
TR Anniversary Mods
The Nude Mod (which made me and my dad laugh for hours. Seriously.)
Also, both sites have some great tips on playing and other stuff about TR.
And at last, about the new game...
Tomb Raider Crossroads. All I can say is I'm so f*cking excited about this. I hope it will exceed our expectations.
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