Lovely Eden Eternal. These days, I' m obssesed with this game. *Ba dum tss*
Eden Eternal is a 3D MMORPG Gama by Aeria Games. For a long time now, I have like Aeria Games, after DOMO (Dream of Mirrors Online) And Kitsu Saga, EE is the best game I' ve ever seen (from AG of course u.u).
Let's see whats drawing me in.
Eye candy. Cute and somehow, refreshing in a weird way. Some games graphics' just hurts your eyes, but this is different. Race's and classes art gets along well with games graphics, all in sync. Weird thing is, some of mobs art may look disturbing (like some mobs in wetlands, 4 or 5 tentacle look alikes, attached to a huge head-like round part. And head-like pat has countless eyes on them. Also, theyre floating.) but I dont think it will ruin games reputation. Actually, besides all of those cute things, gore things are draw me in more.
Classes and Races:

And classes. There are 16 different classes avaible right now and 2 more classes are coming (not official). The best part is you can change your class anywhere and anytime *-* From that, you can guess that character level and class level is different. To access to some of the classes, you may have to level your other classes. Like Warlock. To gain access to warlock, your magician and your shaman classes must be lv50. Also, to open shaman, you have to grind your cleric to lv40.
Looks complex? Not that much. For me, this is the best part of the game. Since I'm an aim maniac, I'm aiming for nearly all of these classes, they all looke cute *-*

Playing EE is pretty easy, at least you can adapt to game really easily if youre a constant player. But there are still somethings that bothers me, or just disappoints me. Like jumping. Pressing spacebar in the game (aka. jumping) has no function at all. You cant climb anywhere get on a higher place by jumping, I just thought it would be good if you could do that.
What else dissapointed me? Well, trading at lv30. I mean, why do you even have to wait for lv30 to trade things? Most of the time, I play with my friends and because they dont want to play without me, I open new chars for them. And till lv30, I cant give them any usefull items. I find this just riddiculous.
And last thing. EXP rate and quests. Quests, especially main quests, helps you a lot to gain exp. And till forty-ish levels, you level up pretty easily by main quests and dailies. But after lv40s, it gets harder. At level 45, repeatable quest begins. But before repeatables, just doing dailies and main quests are not enough for lv40s. I had to wait for dailies to refresh, just to level up. Since mobs exps are not helping me at all. I cant say that I'm really a grinding person.
Playerbase is pretty high but a couple of days ago, something happened and scared me a little bit. While I was playing with my second char (the one im playing with my friends, that time, it was like, lv5) a lv65 person came near us (Lv65 is the current lv cap by the way). He said that we shouldnt play this game. I was like "What? Why is that?" Then he told me that this game is dying.
I got confused and said that this ones not my main char but i cant see the reason why is this dying. He talked me about the server merge, It happened before I stumbled upon game, so i didint affected me at all, according to him, a lot of players stopped playing after the server merge. I could guess, I mean, why would someone want to play his high level character in a different server, with people he/she may not know? I knew this merge thing was pure weird, but at that time, I didint thought about it that much. So he said that, this games going to be a ghost town like DOMO and Kitsu Saga (Kitsu is closed btw).
It scared me; I like this game pretty much and I dont want it to be like them.
Hope everything goes better.
Next Eden Eternal post is going to be about my lovely chars. My main is currently lv48 at Sapphire, named Akibon, so if anyone on EE is reading this, you can always add me :3
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